Saturday, September 8, 2012

Redeeming the Time [we live in a wicked world]

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  [Ephesians 5:16]

     One of those verses that you have to memorize in school just so you can write it on the test and move on, or one sentence in the Bible that doesn’t have a whole lot of meaning because it doesn’t tell us what we can’t do.  Absolutely not!  It’s a command from our very own Heavenly Father Who cares so much for us! 
     We live in a wicked world and so often we as Christians get caught up in time-consuming things, such as internet, computer games, [or games on our phones] movies, sports, and more.  [The list could go on and on.]  But aren’t we as Christians here on this earth for a purpose?  Why would God make each one of us and place us on this little, bitty world to play computer games or waste time on the internet?  We all know that we are to take the Gospel to every nation and every tribe, well, how can we do that when we are sitting around wasting our time?
     These are questions that have been racing through my mind for the past while.  Along with these thoughts, I have been convicted of all the time that I have wasted.  Time that I can’t get back! L  After being discouraged and wrestling with it, I had an idea. 
     “Why not go on a facebook fast for a while?”
     “It’s not just facebook, RaVonne.  There’s a whole lot more on the internet that is stealing your time!”
     “No, God! Not an internet fast!  I can’t do that! How would I keep in contact with all my friends?  What if I miss out on something?”
     “What about our relationship?  You don’t need internet for that!  Why not use the time that you usually spend on the internet with Me?  Am I not more important than the rest of the world?”
     And you can guess who won!  And boy am I glad He did!  He’s the best thing that has happened to me!
     But why am I telling you all of this?  Not to get praise for going on an internet fast, but to show you that it is possible!  I’m just like everyone else, I make mistakes and struggle with redeeming the time.  Can you imagine what this world would be like if all the Christians would take less time to play computer games or surf the internet and read their Bibles and pray instead?  Ya, it might sound crazy, but this is possible!  I just want to challenge you!  You might think that you don’t spend much time on there, but the next time you sit down at your computer, start the timer and see how much time you really spend!  Then ask God how you can work on redeeming your time.  I encourage you to do more than just stay off of facebook for a month, but make it a habit.  Going on a diet for a short period of time doesn’t have the same effect as changing your daily schedule.
     As you seek the Father on how to spend your time wisely, pray for the rest of us.  It’s not easy to be disciplined, but it is DEFINITELY worth it!  Go for it! Stand out! Be different!  Go against the norm! And remember that with God, ALL things are possible!


[the Prince]

“An ongoing, passionate romance with our true Prince is the foundation for success in every other area of life.”                 -- Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy

     AMEN!  So true, and yet it’s easy to completely agree, but we don’t end up living out of it. [not cool]  Why don’t we take more time with our true Prince than we do with anything else? [for girls it could be guys]  Girls can tend to pack each day and night with talk of boys, books on boys, discussing boys, and dreaming of boys.  We dream of being swept off our feet by Mr. Prince Charming and spending the rest of our lives in perfect romance.  That’s possible!  And you can make it happen. 

     “Who?  Me?”

     “Yes!  You!”

     Not with Mr. Prince Charming, but with the most handsome Prince who gave His life for you.  This is the kind of story that girls long for, and here it is.  All we need to do is take the next step in the relationship and take time out of our busy schedules to spend with Him, the One Who can truly satisfy our longing.  In fact, you can spend eternity with Him IF you choose to take time with Him every day to get to know Him better.  He is there waiting for us, but so often we get tied up with ‘more important’ things.  Do you really want to have your valuables on this earth?  In this imperfect life?

     This is something that has been on my mind for the past while.  What do I value more?  My relationship with my Prince? Or things that won’t last forever? 

     It truly is a struggle, and trust me, I haven’t mastered this yet!  By the grace of my Father, I trust that I can whole heartedly live for Him, and not for this world.  [Standing out instead of fitting in!]